Indian Temples

Friday, September 28, 2012

Amarnath Temple in Himalaya

Amarnath Temple - Sacred place in Himalayas.

Sacred Place in Himalayas

Amarnath Temple is One of the holy trinity place in India. It is one of the most sacred and most ancient book of India, the Rig Veda evokes his presence in its hymns, Vedic Myths, rituals and even testify to his existance from the dawn of time. Legend has it that Shiva recounted to Parvati the secret of creation in a cave in Amarnath. Amarnath Temple is sacred place in himalayas, India. Amarnath cave is a famous shrine in Hinduism located in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. It is dedicated to Shiva. The cave is situated at an altitude of 3,888 metre (12,756 feet),about 141 kilometre (88 miles) from Srinagar, the capital of Jammu and Kashmir and reached through Pahalgam town. The shrine forms an important part of Hinduism, and is considered to be one of the holiest shrines in Hinduism.The cave is surrounded by snowy mountains. The cave itself is covered with snow most time of the year except for a short period of time in summer when it is open for pilgrims.Apart from religious most people have to visit Amarnath temple for its Beautiful cave and its locations.

History about Amarnath temple

The history of amarnath temple is amazing.The Amarnath cave has been a place of worship since times immemorial. There are references to one Aryaraja (32BCE-17CE) who used to worship a lingam formed of ice in Kashmir.
The book Rajatarangini (Book VII v.183) refers to Amareshwara or Amarnath. It is believed that Queen Suryamathi in the 11th century AD gifted trishuls, banalingas and other sacred emblems to this temple. Rajavalipataka, begun by Prjayabhatta has detailed references to the pilgrimage to Amarnath Cave. Other than this, there are further references to this pilgrimage in many other ancient texts.

Amarnath Yatra

This is a sacred place in the Himalayas. It is at a distance of 80 miles from Srinagar, Kashmir. There is a huge cave here, sacred to Lord Mahadeva. There is a Siva Linga here naturally formed of ice. The scenery is extremely beautiful. The snowclad hills captivate the heart. Springs and streams are delightful. The Yatra to this holy cave is usually performed in July-August. The Kashmir State does help to the pilgrims. The State provides a moving dispensary, a doctor and a Magistrate. Pahalgam is the first stage. It is 61 miles from Srinagar. Motor Car runs up to this. It is 7200 feet above sea leval. Two rivers Kolahal and Seshanag join here. The next resting place is Chandanwan, 9 miles from Pahalgam. After walking a distance of 6 miles you reach the big Seshanag lake, which is five miles long and 2 miles broad. Panchatarani lies a little further up. Five rivers flow here. Hence the significant name. Thereupon you will have to walk on ice for two miles. Now you will reach your destination, the sacred cave of Amarnath, which is 50 ft. long, 55 ft. broad and 45 ft. high at the centre.

There is an ice-lingam here.
Yatra begins in June:
Go to Srinagar, in Kashmir,
Then go to Pyalgaon
In motor car,
Then walk or go on horse-back.
The State makes arrangements.

O Lord Amarnath!
O Immortal Lord,
Obeisance unto Thee.
O Supporter and nurse
Of this vast universe!
In seeking of Thee,
Even miseries become joys,
Poison becomes nectar.
OM Namah Sivaya.

Route Facility to Amarnath temple

The State Road Transport Corporation and Private Transport Operators provide the regular services from Jammu to Pahalgam and Baltal. Also privately hired taxis are available from Jammu. The shorter northern route is just about 16 km long, but has a very steep gradient and is quite difficult to climb. It starts from Baltal and passes through Domial, Barari, and Sangam to reach the cave. The northern route is along the Amarnath valley and all along the route one can see the river Amaravathy. In route to the cave, various non-profit organizations set up food supply and resting tents called pandals which are available for free to the pilgrims. Near the shrine, hundreds of tents which are erected by locals can be hired for a night's stay. Helicopter services from base camp to Panjtarni (6 km from the cave) are also available from various private operators.
see more details

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